"The trouble makers are out in force again. Dressed in black, their faces partly obscured, some of them appear to be interested only in violent confrontation. It's almost as if they are deliberately raising the temperature, pushing and pushing until a fight kicks off. But this isn't some disorganised rabble: these people were bussed in and are plainly acting in concert. There's another dead giveaway. They are all wearing the same slogan: Police." Guardian.co.uk
At least there are some bits of mainstream media that is giving the real story, rather than the all too transparent game of calling these peaceful protestors, 'anarchists'. I'm not denying there will be a few there to cause trouble, but far fewer than you think.
Here's the mission statement and values direct from the London Metropolitan Police website
Here is some footage of the Police ignoring all of the above:Our mission
- Working together for a safer London
Our values
Working together with all our citizens, all our partners, all our colleagues:
- We will have pride in delivering quality policing. There is no greater priority
- We will build trust by listening and responding
- We will respect and support each other and work as a team
- We will learn from experience and find ways to be even better
We are one team - we all have a duty to play our part in making
London safer.
Of course the Police would never even consider deliberately incite the crowd would they?
G20 police 'used undercover men to incite crowds'
MP demands inquiry into Met tactics at demo
An MP who was involved in last month's G20 protests in London is to call for an investigation into whether the police used agents provocateurs to incite the crowds.
Liberal Democrat Tom Brake says he saw what he believed to be two plain-clothes police officers go through a police cordon after presenting their ID cards.
Oh and if you think this sort of behaviour is unheard of, how about this footage from the G20 protest in Australia in 2006:
Or maybe even this little gem from the Montebello North American leaders summit in Montebello, Quebec, Canada, where you can see the undercover police trying to incite a riot from within the ranks of the peaceful protestors:
Tricky to manage a peacful protest, perhaps just making sure that you are embodying truth in your day to day life , rather than just binging on truth at the occasional protest, where you also run the risk of being mangled by the Police.
1 comment:
Awesome sum-up of some thought provoking stuff there!! the video clips are unreal - chants of ''this is not a riot'' from the protestors as police just take pot-shots at whoever is nearest.
Thanks for the post!
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