Tuesday, 7 April 2009

The Bailout Refund Project

Bank cuts rates, starts QE - total bail out hits £1.27 trillion*

So how much is everyone in the country contributing towards this? Personally I would have liked to spend the money somewhere other than, er, the Bank.....

UK Population = 60 975 000

So; £1.27 Trillion / 60,975,000 = £20828.20p

£20,828.20p per UK Citizen to 'help' the banks.

I really haven't felt that I've gotten value for my money so far, in fact...........

I want my bailout money back! ....... Anyone check the receipts?

Instead of giving our money to the already dying banking system in various bizarre and inventive ways, they could have given £20,828.20p to every living citizen in the UK...

It's not gonna solve everyone's problems, but surely better than throwing our money into the abyss of the banking system?

* Edit from 11:11:09

Just found this link to update you on how the mainstream media have taken this story and run with it (5months after the above blog), seems in that time the numbers have racked up a bit:

New calculations by the BBC, based on IMF data given to G20 finance ministers, shows these countries have spent a total of $10 trillion (£6tn).

The UK and US spent the most, with the UK spending far more, 94% of its GDP compared to 25% in the US.

That equates to £30,000 per person in the UK and $10,000 in the US.

To emphasise once again that i'd much prefer to spend my taxpayers pound somewhere other than the bank......It is a strange game the Government are playing, has anyone explained the rules to them?


Tom said...

I think this is is unbelievable! every person in the UK recieving £20k ?!?! yess please - imagine how much that would do for the good of everyone's situation - a notable change in the mood of the country.

I can't believe that money had gone to the banks and not people!

people need to know this!

BAZRA911 said...

thanks for the real news on this debacle Alex. over in the antipodes we get bubblegum news and currant affairs;) keep it up mate. finally got a blogger account again myself @ bazra911. check it out sometime. baz

BAZRA911 said...

thanks 4 keeping us informed in the dim antipose my friend;)