Friday, 28 January 2011

Bill Hicks - Legend - It's just a ride....

Bill Hicks one of my favourite comedians to have ever graced the planet..... I'd highly recommend his book "Love all the People" beautiful and moving....

He passed away in 1994, the same year that Kurt Cobain died and Justin Bieber was born......
not the best year here on planet Earth! ;-P

Robert Anton Wilson - Language Reason & Reality

I love Robert Anton Wilson, he brings together a great deal of info from various different sources and delivers them with great clarity and humour!

Also rather than just giving us theory, he tries to teach us the tools to aid our own progress - I am a big fan of his E-Prime language (English without any definitive statements of 'is') it has helped greatly to keep perspective even in the most stressful of situations!


Consciousness Drives the Universe

Nice video featuring Gregg Bradden, Robert Anton Wilson, David Lynch, David Wilcock, David Icke, Michael Talbot and others: