Sunday, 19 July 2009

History Repeating itself.....

Swine Flu Propaganda - 1976

Perhaps time to heed the lessons in our past, this is the only way we will be able to re-write the future to something a little more upbeat.

Interestingly the 'new' vaccine is being fast-tracked through the regulatory system with safety trials lasting less than a week. The London Times reported:

‘Regulators at the European Medicines Agency said the fast-tracked procedure has involved clinical trials of a “mock-up” vaccine similar to the one that will be used for the biggest mass vaccination programme in generations.

It will be introduced into the general population while regulators continue to carry out simultaneous clinical trials.’

Be aware. Be fearless. Be protected.

PS Makes me wonder how Afghanistan's lone pig is doing in Kabul remember!

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

"The Daily Show" Does Iran

Nice to see some real people from Iran on TV as a balance to the made up persona we have been taught to fear by the Mainstream media.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Jason Jones: Behind the Veil - Ayatollah You So
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJason Jones in Iran

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Crisis in Iran
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJason Jones in Iran

More truth about Iran in those 10mins than there has been in the last year on the Mainstream "News". Which i might add has become more and more like Chris Morris' twisted vision of the news, "The Day Today".

For the uninitiated:

PS - An Easter Egg from the DVD release for the already initiated:

Monday, 8 June 2009

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Annoying-Video Propelled Blog

Just saw this video and it 's so typical of many documentaries that are being made at the moment, annoyingly.......

Thought I'd add some thoughts to the mix:

Michael Tsarion was not defending Aleister Crowley, just pointing out that there is a lot of very interesting spirituality weaved into his work, not just the stereotypical, SATANIC goat culling etc

I have had email contact with Tsarion, and he seems to be a straight up guy trying to make the planet a better place, which is all you can ask for.

As for him teaching 'New Age' stuff to kids being a bad thing, at least that offers you the tools to use your own mind and think for yourself, to be an individual, better that than whats currently on offer.

A system which is more interested in making all kids into sheeple, with increasing levels of blatancy

This material was taken directly from a training package for professionals who work with children here in the UK:

The Governments aim is that every child will have the support they need to achieve the following 5 outcomes:
SHEEP was the acronym chosen to help remember this list, tastelessly conspicuous no?!

Did make me laugh outload in the middle of this training session, which you'll be pleased to know went down really well with my fellow trainees, not so much the trainers.....ho ho ho

The Government providing all the children the support they need to become SHEEP.

Blatant stuff,

Maybe they'll come up with some more targets and have ASLEEP SHEEP on the next round of training, who knows with these crazy cats....

Anyways, back to the video analysis, if that's what this is:

David Icke never claimed he was the only son of God. His view is we are all aspects of God, not an uncommon view amongst many well respected people.

I agree that his reptile theory is 'interesting', but thats all it is a theory, nothing to be scared of!

Icke, as well as others has unearthed a great deal of evidence that leads in that direction. Hence why he has created his theory, and respect to Icke for having the balls to print it in black and white for all to see! (initially funded by.....himself, not the Zionist/Freemasons/Illuminati)

As for fear mongering, he is not at all, it frustrates me that people still see think like this. WATCH HIS RECENT WORK - maybe his interview with project Camelot, here's a relevant excerpt:

The point being If you get fearful in reaction to any material, you are responsilbe for that, as it is YOUR reaction. Best to do things this way rather than wasting time and energy going around blaming everyone else.

Same goes for the mega-phone toting Alex Jones, please see the following video from Jon Stewarts Daily Show to see their new reporter Jason Jones from the “Center For Stuff I Heard From Some Guy”.

I laughed hard when I saw this. Great parody of Alex Jones' methods. He chooses to put his information accross in a controversial manner as he is an activist more than he is a journalist.

Understand that and focus on the useful info and not the endless ranting and raving, though thank you Mr Jones for the entertainment....

I hate documentaires that diss people, just so focused on the negative, I sniggered when the final sentance of the film had a double negative in, not because I find bad grammar amusing, but it just seemed so apt

"Dont expect nobody to give you the truth"

The sentiment is bang on, and perhaps this is what should have been focused on in this documentary, rather than the negative cheap shots at those who do their best to offer the truth as they see it..

Basically fear mongering in complaint to fear mongers, which is out of control mongery if ever I've seen it.
Solution think people....change is in the air, use it.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

The Struggles of Afghanistan's Lone Pig


In Kabul Zoo, Afghanistan's lone pig has been placed in quarantine after visitors expressed alarm it could spread Swine Flu..

As Reuters explains: “The pig is a curiosity in Muslim Afghanistan, where pork and pig products are illegal because they are considered irreligious"

So we have this lone pig, probably already a little paranoid due to the fact it is considered a 'irreligious curiosity' in its homeland, now placed into pig quarantine because of the totally irrational and unfounded fears that it will spread its special brand of irreligious swine flu all accross Afghanistan.

Can we quarantine the thinking behind all this madness instead?..Piggy please?

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

The Bailout Refund Project

Bank cuts rates, starts QE - total bail out hits £1.27 trillion*

So how much is everyone in the country contributing towards this? Personally I would have liked to spend the money somewhere other than, er, the Bank.....

UK Population = 60 975 000

So; £1.27 Trillion / 60,975,000 = £20828.20p

£20,828.20p per UK Citizen to 'help' the banks.

I really haven't felt that I've gotten value for my money so far, in fact...........

I want my bailout money back! ....... Anyone check the receipts?

Instead of giving our money to the already dying banking system in various bizarre and inventive ways, they could have given £20,828.20p to every living citizen in the UK...

It's not gonna solve everyone's problems, but surely better than throwing our money into the abyss of the banking system?

* Edit from 11:11:09

Just found this link to update you on how the mainstream media have taken this story and run with it (5months after the above blog), seems in that time the numbers have racked up a bit:

New calculations by the BBC, based on IMF data given to G20 finance ministers, shows these countries have spent a total of $10 trillion (£6tn).

The UK and US spent the most, with the UK spending far more, 94% of its GDP compared to 25% in the US.

That equates to £30,000 per person in the UK and $10,000 in the US.

To emphasise once again that i'd much prefer to spend my taxpayers pound somewhere other than the bank......It is a strange game the Government are playing, has anyone explained the rules to them?

Sunday, 5 April 2009

G20 - London's "Riots"

"The trouble makers are out in force again. Dressed in black, their faces partly obscured, some of them appear to be interested only in violent confrontation. It's almost as if they are deliberately raising the temperature, pushing and pushing until a fight kicks off. But this isn't some disorganised rabble: these people were bussed in and are plainly acting in concert. There's another dead giveaway. They are all wearing the same slogan: Police."

At least there are some bits of mainstream media that is giving the real story, rather than the all too transparent game of calling these peaceful protestors, 'anarchists'. I'm not denying there will be a few there to cause trouble, but far fewer than you think.

Here's the mission statement and values direct from the London Metropolitan Police website

Our mission

  • Working together for a safer London

Our values

Working together with all our citizens, all our partners, all our colleagues:

  • We will have pride in delivering quality policing. There is no greater priority
  • We will build trust by listening and responding
  • We will respect and support each other and work as a team
  • We will learn from experience and find ways to be even better

We are one team - we all have a duty to play our part in making
London safer.

Here is some footage of the Police ignoring all of the above:

Of course the Police would never even consider deliberately incite the crowd would they?

G20 police 'used undercover men to incite crowds'

MP demands inquiry into Met tactics at demo

Police and protesters clash in London on 1 April 2009

An MP who was involved in last month's G20 protests in London is to call for an investigation into whether the police used agents provocateurs to incite the crowds.

Liberal Democrat Tom Brake says he saw what he believed to be two plain-clothes police officers go through a police cordon after presenting their ID cards.

Oh and if you think this sort of behaviour is unheard of, how about this footage from the G20 protest in Australia in 2006:

Or maybe even this little gem from the Montebello
North American leaders summit in Montebello, Quebec
, Canada, where you can see the undercover police trying to incite a riot from within the ranks of the peaceful protestors:

Tricky to manage a peacful protest, perhaps just making sure that you are embodying truth in your day to day life , rather than just binging on truth at the occasional protest, where you also run the risk of being mangled by the Police.