Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Crop Circle Expedition 08.....

On the 26th July 2008 I decided it was time to get myself down to Wiltshire to admire some of the crop circle formations that appear at this time of year. In particular I wanted to see this crop formation, I very much like the Mayan style of this formation, having looked into the incredibly intricate Mayan calendar, I am now offically fascinated by this culture!

Westwoods, nr Lockeridge, Wiltshire. Reported 17th July.

Picture from Cropcircleconnector.com

So I persuaded my girlfriend and brother to embark with me on our own Crop Circle 'Mystery' Tour! (The mystery was almost certainly due to the lack of planning involved).

However, whilst driving around trying to guess our way to Lockeridge, we stumbled upon a formation in the South field near Alton Barnes, and went in to take a closer look. It was in really good condition especially considering it had formed 3 days previously. Truly they are amazing constructions, people come from far and wide to visit what many deem to be 'sacred spaces'.

We took some pictures whilst in the circle, here are some of the better ones:

Now hang on a minute, what is that rainbow doing at the bottom of this photo?

I amped up the brightness and contrast to make it stand out more here.

Is it a camera malfunction, an exposure problem, or due to some strange electro-magnetic property that are said to be associated with crop circles? Whatever the reason and despite there clearly being not one, but two ends of this particular 'rainbow', none of us saw any pots of gold!

Now strange objects appearing in photo's taken of crop circles is not uncommon:

Whilst these orbs often appear in crop circle photo's, they also turn up elsewhere. Here are a couple of photo's taken by a friend of my mother, who was leading a shamanic healing workshop.

For more information on Shamanic Healing etc please visit www.thefourwinds.com

These orbs turn up all the time once they have created the 'Sacred Space' necessary to do energy work, some people can see them with their eyes, but the cameras are able to pick them up more often.

There seems to be a link between these orbs and sacred space, many researchers have drawn parallels between the two, one of whom is Freddy Silva. He is one of the world's leading experts on crop circles and best-selling author of 'Secrets in the Fields', hailed by many as the most comprehensive book ever written on this multi-disciplinary phenomenon. He is also a leading researcher into the interaction between temples and consciousness. Here is a short excerpt of an interview by the conscious media Network....

If you would like to see the full interview follow this link

So once we finished in the formation we headed to the Henge Shop in Avebury to see if we could work out which formation we had been in; they keep a map with aerial photos of the formations for the ever increasing amount of tourists that flood the area every summer.

As we then discovered, the formation had appeared over two nights, here is an aerial shot of the first ‘phase’.

Pictures from Cropcircleconnector.com

South Field, Alton Barnes, Reported 22nd July 2008

Reported 23rd July 2008 - Phase 2 -the design expands dramatically!

Interestingly, this area was an ancient enclosure of some sort, perhaps considering the ley lines in the area, some sort of sacred site -you can make out the boundary underneath the wheat from this shot:

As with any crop circle there has been a great deal of speculation on the message behind it's design. If you are interested here is a link to get you started:


All three of us really enjoyed the experience of visiting Avebury and the surrouding crops circles. The area is alive with energy, especially during the summer months. We discussed nothing else on the journey home!

After getting home that evening, after a long, long day I was lying on the floor relaxing, contemplating the days crop circles, attempting to create my own 'sacred space'. All of a sudden I started getting strange shivers up and down my spine repeatedley, this has always been a sign to me that 'something' is going on, so I shut my eyes and tried to meditate to clear my mind.....

"A clear mind is nothing but the ability to bring thoughts together, to tie already known ideas with less known ideas and to express them in exact and clear words"
- Helvetius

Suddenly I find myself imagining being back at a crop formation, only it was not one I recognised, this seemed like many, many circles in some sort of square formation with a cross in, it was really hard to focus on the image and weirdly I got a definite sense of it being a 3D image. At this point I was no longer in the crops but visualising from above. I don't often have these type of 'visions' but this was quite intense....

I wondered if a formation like that has happened before? and if not, will it turn up in the fields of Wiltshire sometime?

I then start doing some yoga, a balance position staring out the window at the nights sky, contemplating what an incredible day it had been........

Something in the corner of the room catches my eye. Maintaining my balance I looked across and see what I can only describe as a dense area of energy floating about head height a few feet away from me. I start staring at this area trying to decipher what is happening.

This swirling area then formed a tiny diamond of dazzling light exactly at the point I was focusing on, it then seemed to flicker slightly, expanded to an orb about the size of an egg, hung in the air for about 5 seconds it then just blinked out and disappeared!

Whoah, did I just see that? I wondered to myself, still balanced in my yoga pose. I have seen orbs of energy before in pictures, but not in my living room! In photos orbs had always seemed very otherworldly, and almost transparent, as if they weren't fully in this reality, but this diamond of light seemed very solid, and very tangible!

It seemed timely that after spending the day visiting the sacred space of crop circles, that an orb turns up in my living room, directly after creating my own sacred space and having a ‘vision’ of a crop circle formation.

The next day I thought I would check the CropCircleConnector website to see if any formations matched the vision I had had the evening before. This picture totally blew me away, not only was it a total match to what I had seen, it had also happened just hours after my vision!!

Wayland Smithy, Nr Ashbury, Oxfordshire. Reported 27th July.
(The day after our visit)

The alignment with Wayland Smithy is also fascinating, as I am sure part of the arms of the Cross are on a major Ley Line axis which cuts through the corner of Wayland Smithy (not a direct alignment through the ancient Burial Chamber).
- S.Dike, Crop Circle Connector

So think back to my vision:

  • Many, many circles – yes, in fact this has the 2nd most in one formation ever reported. 241 in total. (73 main circles with 168 Grapeshot Circles). Enough to make it tricky to focus on even!
  • Square with a cross – yes totall
  • So what about this 3D aspect?

Well this didnt really make sense until I suddenly realised that the formation looked a lot like a mayan pyramid. A nice set of graphics Nyako Nakar put together for cropcircleconnector.com illustrate this quite well

Again if you are interested in getting into the specifics of just how mayan this crop circle is please click the following link. There is a lot of number crunching that seems to point in the direction of the mayans as well!



I went to Wiltshire to look for a Mayan crop circle. Instead I ended up having my very own vision of a Mayan crop circle due to be laid down the next day, quickly followed by the appearance of an orb in my living room to really make me pay attention! Whatever happened I can truly say that this was an amazing experience!

Many more people are starting to get involved in this phenomenom, and I highly recommend you do to!

Here's a nice interview with a Wiltshire regular Karen Bishop, who was first on the scene of a crop formation formed on the 27th July just opposite the crop circle we had been in. Please notice how enthused she is by the experience, that could be you, trust me!

Thursday, 9 October 2008

$700billion Bailout for Who?

A Picture is worth a thousand words:

A quote from Einstein to help set the tone:

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them".

So what is going on in this bailout deal? America is really struggling with debt and so they are trying to inject $700billion dollars more debt into the American system.

What do you mean inject debt- that's money, I hear you cry.......

Please watch this Animated piece that describes why money=debt

So now you see how this bailout plan is equivalent to adding a few more pebbles to the pockets of those who are already drowning in the torrid waters of debt.

Not only that but it seems that most of this money will not go to Americans at all:

This all sounds really negative, but let me suggest that perhaps it is the utter crassness, and unbelievably transparency of these kinds of plans that will actually instigate the very change that we are looking for. More and more people are waking up to the corruption of these areas, here's Ron Paul talking sense in Congress as a prime example of the changing face of politics.

Now if your in congress, you can't un-hear this kind of speech. Even if it does not make sense to them now, at one point, hopefully when it really matters, their own ethics will prevent them from making choices that would impair the growth of humanity.

There's only a handful of corrupt people that are pulling the strings of many marionettes. However, the puppets are starting to figure out the game, and are taking scissors to the strings.....

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Egyptian Magic

So I recently got back from 2 weeks in Egypt, 3 days in Cairo, 3 in Luxor, and a week snorkeling in the red sea. I've always had dreams of Egypt and was worried that actually visiting might not be as magical as my dreams, I certainly was not disappointed!

We went to the pyramids and got pick pocketed. On the way I got some money out, and Monica, my partner, suggested that we split the money, and put some safely away in a pocket in her bag, leaving only what we needed for the day in my wallet. Which I did, thinking it was quite a sensible thing to do, I'll try it out see how it feels to be sensible with money.

The tour itself was organised by a compulsive liar it turned out! Our guide rushed us around the plateau, pyramids and sphinx, and declared that the Great Pyramid was not open for entry, crushing my hopes of visiting the Kings Chamber! We got back to the hotel fed up, disappointed and knackered after the tour from hell.

This is when we discovered that Monica's bag had been pick pocketed, and all the 1000Egyptian pounds were missing from the inside pocket of her bag. About £100, which was quite a loss considering it was only the 2nd day of our holiday, and we were already on a shoe string budget!

Monica freaked out, totally livid at the day we had been having, but I was bizarrely calm, just accepting that it had happened, trying not to think about the fact that it may not have gotten stolen if I hadn't decided to hide some money in fear just to see what sensible felt like.

It was then that I decided to throw sensible out the window and declare that we were going back to the Giza Plateau,

"But what about the money, we can't afford to do all that again?!"
"Doesn't matter it will be worth it, trust me!"

So off we go to the Pyramids again, we discovered upon arrival that the Great Pyramid was indeed open, the guide had lied! Whilst jumping for joy at the great news, we bought tickets to the pyramid, and then managed to luck our way through the ticket gates without repaying the charge to get onto the Plateau, I had lost my ticket, but by fumbling through the many other tickets I had accumulated the onlooking guards assumed all was in order!

We then went inside the Great Pyramid, somehow our timing allowed us to have an hour almost totally alone in the Kings chamber! So I end up laying in the red granite 'coffer' watching the ceiling swirl around whilst our voices echoed forward into the future and backwards into the past. I can't describe the combination of sound and energy levels in that room, sound definitely activates something in there, truly magical.

It did amaze me that most people who make it inside the kings chamber, only stay for about 20secs, and walk out. The guide had even tried to dissuade us from going inside!

'it's just dark and hot and there's nothing to see in there, what's the point?!'

Ahh yes the point.

So we end up having a truly magical time at the pyramids, taking in the energy of the place. So happy to have had the awesome experience of the afternoon, despite the mornings losses!

One week later in Dahab, on a balcony looking over the red sea, I'm reading a book on the akashic records, and Edgar Cayce:

The particular section I was looking at was talking about 'asking God to provide an event that is so inexplicable, so utterley impossible for the left brain to rationalise that you can prove to yourself that there is indeed 'magic' in the world. So I thought, despite having many events of synchronicity occur in my own life, it would be good to have another reminder. I looked up to the starry sky and asked for such an event!

With that in mind I went inside and started to get ready to go to bed. I then randomly thought I should do a tarot reading with my Ancient Egyptian tarot cards that I had brought over from England and still had not used. I had to dig them out the middle of my luggage. I unwrapped the tightly sealed velvet bag, and just as I pull out the cards a roll of money tumbled out of the bag.
'WHAT?" I think to myself, I didnt pack any money in there, what's this? Well it was 1000 Egyptian Pounds, exactly the amount that had gone missing 500miles away in Cairo?!

WHOAH wait a minute, reality check here please , I've just asked 'God' for an event that will totally outdo my rational mind, and this happens literally 3mins after I asked for it!?

I have to make it clear that the lost money was taken out of the ATM on the way to the pyramids, and never made it back to the hotel, presumed pick pocketed.

The tarot bag was tightly sealed and in the middle of my luggage in the hotel at the time of the presumed pick pocketing.

The first time I touched the tarot cards on holiday, was one week after the money had gone missing.

There's just no explanation that makes sense other than my request was answered!

It's more than just coincidence if money actually materialises out of thin 'tarot bag' air, right?!

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Anti-Gravity \ Free Energy \ Levitation

I read this article some time ago:


and today just bumped into this video by free energy researcher Jerry Decker looking into this very same phenomenon:

This clip deals mainly with the work of "Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov (1927-2001) who was a Russian scientist, naturalist and entomologist who claimed to have invented a levitation platform which operated by virtue of insect body parts attached to the underside. Grebennikov wrote detailed accounts of his 1988 discovery, which involved an accident whilst examining chitin shells. He also wrote of his experiences flying over the Russian countryside.

Interesting indeed, if you haven't already you should definitely look into Tibetan Acoustical Levitation.

Tibetan Sound Levitation Of Large Stones
Witnessed By Scientist

If the stories are to be believed, and with all the new developments in modern science it becomes more and more likely that these events could transpire, then we must start to take this seriously and start asking questions of the powers that be, to get these technologies available to all.

Friday, 4 July 2008

The 2012 Enigma

If you haven't already, check this video out as an antidote to all the fear mongering views re. 2012.....

Here is a link to the "Russian pyramids" mentioned and the Research carried out by the Russian scientists.

Just found this link to a good post by someone who strayed upon these pyramids without a clue about what they are for! Thankfully they took lots of pictures.

Seems like the Russians are taking the pyramids seriously, even if the rest of the world is a little slow to catch on!


What a Suprise!!!

Here is a post fom the David icke Website:-

Friday, 04 July 2008

David Icke banned from 'Big Brother' public meeting with Bob Geldof and David Davis


David Davis doesn’t want a real debate on the Orwellian State – he wants a controlled one that's only on his terms with safe people like Tony Benn and Bob Geldof.

The basis on which this by-election was called – to have an open debate on the Big Brother State – is a blatant misrepresentation of what is actually happening.

Today, David Icke attended the Hull Guildhall with a resident from the Haltemprice and Howden constituency, with tickets booked through the local Conservative Party in her name, to see the presentation of David Davis and Bob Geldof on 'civil liberties'.

The resident was told, as was everyone else, that this was a public debate open to anyone so long as they had a ticket booked. The event was advertised as such on the David Davis website.

But as soon as the David Davis minders saw David Icke everything changed. Suddenly it was a ‘private’ event that only invited people could attend. This was an outrageous untruth.

David Icke, as someone who was warning about the coming Big Brother State before either of today’s speakers had even heard of it, simply wanted to listen to what they had to say, but was not allowed even though he had a ticket.

Davis said he called this by-election to have a public debate on these issues, yet won’t even allow the world’s most prolific writer on the subject sit in an audience and listen to him. So Big Brother steps in to stop David Icke attending a meeting called to ‘challenge Big Brother’.

You couldn't make it up.